About Me

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I am pretty fun to get along with,but with my black spectacles and braces,people often mistake me as a nerd.If not,they see my tall frame and think i play sports.So,just for you information,i am NOT a nerd,and i don't play sports.( In fact,I'm pretty good at sports-i just don't like getting sweaty.[^*^] )I love pretty much all bright colours,and especially like baby pink,baby blue,light pastel green and light lavender.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


OMG,just being randome,but...
Ookami-san's clothes and Megurine Luka's clothes are super super similar!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

K-ON episode 2-"Instruments!"

First time Yui is so responsible and mature-like!I think Nodoka gets a little teary and happy.
 So,Yui has finally joined the K-ON club for real!!!YAY!!!In this episode,she goes to buy an instrument.Of course,being an anime,something MUST happen.
Yui forgot about buying her guitar!
Right in the middle,Mio does a KAWAII scene of calling Yui by her name,instead of 'Hirasawa-san'.MOE!!!!!!
The girls start discussing about how much a guitar costs, etc etc.Mio reveals the average prices of guitars,shocking Yui. 
Ritsu refuses to let Yui use their non-existent club funds to buy her guitar.
Yui is a little depressed.
 So,that night,Yui gets to counting her money in her piggybank.Obviously she does not have enough money,so Yui hits on Ui,her sister, for money.
Yui and Ui.And money.
 Ui does not have enough money,but she accompanies Yui to ask their mother for money to buy a guitar.In the end,Yui gets an advance on the pocket money.Armed with 50,000 yen,Yui meets with the other members to go and buy her guitar!
As usual,Yui is late for her meeting.
 The girls get sidetracked for awhile,and in the end,they go shopping.Until Mio reminds them of their day's objective,They then head to a music store[where Mio bought her bass and where Ritsu bought her drums!!].
After reality hits Yui.
I have to question her sense of cuteness sometimes.But thats just me,'cause my taste is weird too!

 Yui finds a guitar she likes.BUT,Take a look at the price!!

OMG.five times the money Yui has!!

A display of unity.
 The girls all decided to get part-time jobs to help Yui achieve her goal of buying her dream guitar.
So,the next day in the club room,
Deciding on a job that everyone can do.
 A lot of jobs cannot be done due to Mio's shyness.However,she decides to harden up and accept any job given to help Yui and the K-ON club.Luckily,there is no need to put Mio through so much stress.
The perfect job!

Fooling around,as usual.
On the day of the job,the girls meet up.Incidently,Ui has prepared lots of lunch for all of them![Just saying 'cause i LOVE food.Tee hee!]Yui and Ritsu fool around with the counters for awhile.
And so,their job progresses without much trouble for once.

  Ritsu also helps Yui enter a competition.The prize is a guitar!
Great idea,Ritsu!

 When the four of them recieve their paycheck,Yui refuses to take their money.Instead,she promises to choose a cheaper guitar and asks Ritsu,Mugi and Mio to accompany her to the music store once more.

Yui's so nice!

In the store,however,Yui is once again stopped by the sight of her guitar.Mugi,seeing as how Yui loves the guitar so much,and also because she was inspired by Ritsu's story of how she bargained hard for her drums,helps Yui bargain for her guitar.

Look at her eyebrows!!They are important.
 The store assistant recognizes Mugi as the boss's daughter,and willingly lowers the price of the guitar to 50,000 yen.One-fifth of the original price!

The secret is revealed!
 So,armed with her new guitar,Yui gets ready for the K-ON club.Of course,she doesn't practice much at firat,which disappoints Mio [and the rest of the club] to no end.

Yui loves her new guitar to bits.So much that she even sleeps with it!

Reminder:never unplug an amp without turning it off.By Yui.
This extra bit happened when Yui was playing her guitar to get the 'live sound'.Its extra,i know.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Personality Quiz: Are you Mio,Ritsu,Mugi,Azusa or Yui?

Go to my Quibblo profile to take it!
Click HERE to take the quiz!
Do comment on your results,thanks!
And i'm sorry i have to resort to this...Quibblo can;t seem to put my quizzes up on the sidebar,it just comes out as undefined.sobs! [; _ ; ]

Thursday, December 9, 2010

K-ON! episode 1 - "Abolition of the Club!"

Aww,our cute little moeblob's late!
The story starts off with our main character,Yui Hirasawa,getting the time wrongly.She rushes to get dressed and immediately leaves for school.
As expected of our cute airhead.
The story doesn't progress much until the introduction of the other characters,Mio Akiyama (a hot favourites amongst quite many people!!) and Ritsu Tainaka .
             The one with long black hair is Mio;The other,with short brown hair accessorized with a hairband,is Ritsu.

When asking about the about-to-be-abolished light music club,Ritsu and Mio have a chance meeting with their future guitarist,Yui.Ritsu pronounces Yui to be a 'clumsy girl with no tempo',while Yui freaks out,knowing she is being stared at.
Soon after that,Ritsu (and Mio,who was forced) are waiting for new members in the music room.And,the next character pops in!
Tsumugi Kotobuki , also affectionately known as Mugi by the members of the light music club.
Although she is originally wanting to go to choir,Mugi gets 'caught' when Ritsu puts up a fake show of sniffling and accusing Mio of breaking their promise of forming a band together.Of course,Mio refuses to play along,and hits Ritsu on her head when Ritsu said to split 70-30 after they 'go pro'.
An impromptu play by Ritsu.
Another new member!
After all this hubbub,the trio put up posters urging guitarists to join the light music club.
Soon,Yui sees the poster for the light music club...and decides to join.
Yui thinks that she would play castanets in a light MUSIC CLUB.That aside,she's so kawaii!
 \[ > w < ]/

However,after some delibration and talking about it with her close friend,Nodoka Manabe(i'm sorry,i have no good shots of her!!!I'll put some up next time~),Yui decides to quit the club.    

Of course,something had to happen before quitting...

Yui hesitates before entering the room to announce her decision.
Her idea of what the club people are like.Stop daydreaming,girl!You'll just scare yourself more.
Naturally,Yui encounters a lot of problems before managing to tell them that she wants to quit.
The breaking of bad news is not always easy.In fact,it NEVER is.
Ritsu,Mio and Mugi are devastated and think of many ways to keep Yui.             
                                                      Apparently,performing for Yui was a fantastic choice.

After which,the trio proceed to perform the basic instrumental version of 'Tsubasa wo Kudasai' for Yui.And Yui is hooked!

And so, all's well that ends well.The light music club does not have to be shut down after all!
Now the next problem would be learning how to play a guitar.
As always,Yui is a little airheaded.
I think i did a pretty bad job.
Give me tips and pointers on what you want more in the future,or on how you think i could improve,please!
Leave me comments so i can improve--but absolutely no trolling please!

A little extra...

I guess i will cover anime in a certain order.
Naturally,K-ON goes first. Heehee,biasness at work![>u<]
Next might be Angel Beats,followed by Toaru Majutsu no Index and To Aru Kagaku no Rail Gun.If i come up with any more i will cover them,but these few should already take quite a long time.
I suspect my performance will not be very satisfactory,so...please put up with me! 
[ _o _ ] <Gomen nasai.
